Music Promotion: Benefiting dance/pop Music Artists & ALL Within This Genre.

If you are a dance pop Music Artist or an Artist who makes trance, house, hip-hop, drum and bass, or any other form of music that resonates with the genre of electronic music or electronica,…

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Indie Music Marketing: Your Hour of Success

*Like this post?  Become a Sponsor.  Get noticed.  Keep this resource free. I am very excited to report that my musical projects have reached the Top 10 position at, and the last time I…

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Music Recording Gear: The Beatles Did “Please Please Me” On a Two Track. You Have It FAR Better!

Everyday, people spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for either 24, 48, or more multi-track recording devices and, even if they don’t, they’ll spend their money on Protools or Logic software (yes, I love them both but hear me out), only to have to do the training work worthy of a PhD to learn the programs, spend “oodles” of hard-earned money, and then record a piece of worthy music and vocals that didn’t require so much as a fraction of the total power. Just what is it, exactly, that I’ve said again and again (and will continue to preach)? It DOES NOT matter how you went about recording your song. No one can tell how you recorded it once it is complete, it is “no one’s business” and, most importantly, it is so much smarter, economical, and less time-consuming to keep it simple by SETTING UP a simple recording console that fulfills your needs as a Songwriter, Performer, or Band.

How to handle downtime.

As I get a little bit too excited about my all-new updated E-book, titled: The Musician’s Companion – Everything You Need For a Successful Music Career, I realize that I couldn’t be “excited enough” for the benefits I know my music promotion book will bring to you. Attached to this quick article is a FREE audio sample (performed by your’s truly) containing one of the very best kept secrets of highly successful music professionals and moguls.

Music Promotion Strategies: How The Shifting Paradigm of The Music Industry Is Benefiting Artists and Labels (starting with some much-needed advice for music fans).

Music promotion strategies bring Artists and Bands up to “the big leagues” if they follow these suggestions.

Music Marketing: Some reminder wisdom from our classic, original film: “How to Make it In Music.”

There is a message in my film about band promotion advice within my blog, that I don’t want my viewers and blog readers to miss. Band promotion ideas I researched ended up fostering the (almost) greatest accomplishment in my career as a Singer, Performance Artist, Writer, and Film Maker. As a singer and writer, I was rewarded with a 1st place international singing award/trophy by the IMTA (Ashton Kutcher, Katie Holmes). The trophy broke into two pieces. During a period of down-time, coinciding with a necessary “spring cleaning” at my (then) apartment in Studio City, CA, I considered throwing the broken trophy in the trash. I wanted to start a slew of free band promotion websites, and ended up founding: I was “down” on my self-esteem and felt awards and accomplishments meant nothing. Plus, I had a broken piece of material that I was hoping to get rid of to lesson the amount of (unnecessary) objects I had placed away in a cabinet. Still, I wanted to teach Artists how to sell songs.

How to launch a music career: The Importance Of Living A Legacy(?)

In terms of how to launch a music career, I have often humored myself with the notion that, the greatest mistake any man might make is to view his own life as a “story” at…

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Press Releases For Bands And Artists Made Easy.

Music Promotion Books are NOT created equal, especially when writing your press release for music publicity. This article will share all of the do’s and don’ts as you gather music publicity as a Band or Solo Artist.