A lot of music artists think that their work has to go through the United States, only.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  During these times, your music is needed more than ever—around the world.

I’m not a person who believes in “faking it till you make it.”  I think that if you do that, you’ll just feel empty.  And even if you do make it, there will be a void—a very deep void. 

I believe in letting people watch you struggle—taking them with you on your journey.  There’s nothing more powerful or liberating than that.  There’s nothing more honest.

Whatever your own struggles are as an artist, they don’t have to define you.  Nothing does and nothing can define what you do because you’re an artist.  It’s how you channel who you are into your work.  What makes you unique can turn the mediocre into a masterpiece.

The things that you think are your weaknesses are your greatest strengths as artists—and human beings.  The things you’re afraid to bring to peoples’ attention are the very things that can make you a beacon of hope—a role model, perhaps, for so many people—however way you choose to look at it.

Authenticity—as an artist—as a person—that’s the kind of success that leaves clues—worthy clues. Authenticity is the key to what so many music lovers are looking for in an artist.

Don’t worry that you’re going to depress anyone.  

It’s your music and the power of you and your words that will inspire them—enlighten them—brighten their days—and “empower” them.

You’ll have many victories—you’ll also have many disappointments.  That’s the journey of an artist.  

Still, the most important thing is to keep getting back up if you fall.  And no matter how many times you fall, you can always get up again—and—Strike the Right Chord with an audience that is waiting for music just like yours.

Strike the Right Chord.  Let me show you how.  You can even do it, using just your home computer during these strange times.

Thank you.