How to handle downtime.

As I get a little bit too excited about my all-new updated E-book, titled: The Musician’s Companion – Everything You Need For a Successful Music Career, I realize that I couldn’t be “excited enough” for the benefits I know my music promotion book will bring to you. Attached to this quick article is a FREE audio sample (performed by your’s truly) containing one of the very best kept secrets of highly successful music professionals and moguls.

Music Video Promotion: A Free Gift For You, The Wonderful Artists & Bands Who Make Them.

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your continued patience as I continue to gather more information about opportunities for you with MTV. I have been juggling many tasks like these as I update my music promotion book for you. In the meantime, I found a free software program that is beyond cool for you to use when converting your music videos for promotion in ANY format, and I must share it with you.

Music Promotion Strategies: How The Shifting Paradigm of The Music Industry Is Benefiting Artists and Labels (starting with some much-needed advice for music fans).

Music promotion strategies bring Artists and Bands up to “the big leagues” if they follow these suggestions.

How to launch a music career: The Importance Of Living A Legacy(?)

In terms of how to launch a music career, I have often humored myself with the notion that, the greatest mistake any man might make is to view his own life as a “story” at…

Continue Reading How to launch a music career: The Importance Of Living A Legacy(?)

Press Releases For Bands And Artists Made Easy.

Music Promotion Books are NOT created equal, especially when writing your press release for music publicity. This article will share all of the do’s and don’ts as you gather music publicity as a Band or Solo Artist.