Music to YouTube: Promote Your Music To YouTube Correctly, Go Viral, & Earn Money.

If you’re thinking about promoting your music to youtube, you’re not only on the right track, your are on the actual, correct track. YouTube is owned by Google, and YouTube has become the #1 world’s most popular Search Engine for people looking for music of all kinds (especially new music); but if your music is dated or of a certain genre, you can and will become just as successful if you follow the advice in this article.

Be On MTV: MTV Has Opened Their Gates To All Talented Artists.

I had been dreaming about this inevitability for so many more Artists and Bands to be on MTV for years and kept my faith that one day MTV would reveal the true integrity of their efforts to showcase and support all Musicians, Bands, Artists, and Songwriters tirelessly working to spread their “gifts” (not to mention more than a little additional joy to the masses).